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Who is the Holy Spirit? Is he a ‘He’ or an ‘It’? Why can’t I see him? What does he actually do? How do I ‘get’ him? And should I actually want him?
In his easy-to-read style, Edward Surrey uses stories, humour, and loads of the Bible to teach us about the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is at the centre of the Christian life, and he is critical for following Jesus.
This book will not only show you what a transformed life should look like, but how God powerfully works through his Spirit to give you the ultimate life worth living.
ReviewsThis great little book clearly and faithfully shows from the Bible how the Holy Spirit is central to Christian living. The Holy Spirit is not something around the edges of Christianity, but someone at the centre of what we believe, and critical to the way we live. If you have ever had any questions about the who, how, or why of the Holy Spirit, this is the book for you. - Mike Everett, Youth Minister, St Paul's Carlingford (Sydney)
In this book, Ed takes us through the Bible and shows us the Holy Spirit for who he is, in all his divine, life-giving, witness-empowering, salvation-securing, body-building, Jesus-glorifying goodness. And he manages to chuck some laughs in along the way! - Thom Bull, Chaplain, Swan Valley Anglican Community School (Perth)
In The Spirit, Ed achieves much more than biblically informing our often vague understanding of the Holy Spirit’s identity; he shows how the work of the Spirit practically informs the Christian life and shapes the Christian community.... The Spirit will leave you with much to consider about the Holy Spirit; the common error of separating his work from Jesus’ work; how we partner with the Spirit in our own holiness as well as others; and whether we have grasped the privilege of being involved in God’s mission, empowered by him who is with us until the end of the age. - Graham Heslop, Youth and Young Adults Pastor, Christ Church Umhlanga (Durban, South Africa)
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Product Details
- ISBN: 978-1-925041-58-3
- Product Type: Paperback
- Author: Edward Surrey
- Collection: Youth Books
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