The Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 8:11 that the same Spirit that powerfully raised Jesus from the dead lives in us, giving us life. We can’t love, serve and obey Jesus without this resurrection power. While our focus on Christ crucified is necessary, we must not lose sight of Christ alive and ruling, inadvertently missing out on the confidence that Jesus’ resurrection gives his people.
These 40 devotional studies from veteran teacher and preacher Michael Raiter will help you revel in the joy and hope that comes from the resurrection, seen in both Old and New Testaments, exemplified through Jesus, his prefigures and his followers.
About the author
Michael is the Director of the Centre for Biblical Preaching, which trains people across Australia and the world in biblical preaching. He’s married to Sarah and they have four adult children and three grandchildren. He is the author of over 40 books and articles, including the 2004 Australian Christian Book of the Year, Stirrings of the Soul, and two previous Lenten studies, Shadows of the Cross and I Saw a Lamb.
Mike enjoys Scandinavian crime novels and walks with Sarah to coffee shops.
Product Details
- ISBN: 978-1-922866-15-8
- Product Type: Paperback
- Author: Michael Raiter
- Collection: Christian Books for Adults
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